Tim did a little research before we left Boise and discovered Palm Canyon, an oasis of palms in the middle of sagebrush desert. The area is home of the Agua Caliente Band of the Cahuilla (Kaw-we-ah) Tribe.
It was a surprising environment. In several hundred steps down into the valley the temperature dropped ten degrees and what had been a harsh desert landscape became lush, green and alive.
We hiked up canyon and in a couple miles the walls narrowed and we were left to scramble over rocks and boulders, discovering waterfalls, flowers and hidden grottos in the in the jumbled landscape.

Looking down canyon towards the Palm Springs Valley

Under the Palms

The Canyon Narrows

One of many Pools

Site of the Stick Races

A Narrow Waterfall Grotto

Tim in a larger grotto he discovered

Looking up in the grotto (Tim's focus in the past photo)

Looking Down Canyon

My favorite pic of the Canyon

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