That's right friends! Palm Springs not only specializes in superficial advertisements, they have rotating trams! The world's largest rotating tram no less!* (Is that sort of like the world's largest corn palace?)
Tim and I headed up after the conference sessions wrapped up on Wednesday. Despite my chiding, it is quite a dramatic shift as the tram rises nearly 7,000 feet from desert to full alpine elevations, and this time of year from summer to winter in 11 minutes.
The snow was melting, but this reality afforded Tim and I safe transit on a hard crust of snow. We climbed up into the backcountry (yes, there is wilderness in southern California beyond Death Valley!) and found a rocky ridge overlooking the valley to watch the sun drop. Later in the darkness the descent was a little more exciting as the surface iced over, but I am happy to report no GIS Analysts were injured in the filming of these scenes.

Nearly at the top

Jack Dangermond should know that his GIS tote bag makes a dandy cooler

Snowshoes! We don't need no stinking snowshoes!

Looking back at the top of the lift

Brent on a Knob
*Actually only the floor rotates, not the entire tram car so there is some room there for a future competitor in the rotating tram record books
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